Job offers at the campsite Hof Biggen Sauerland

Training as a clerk for office management from the 1st of august 2021

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As a clerk for office management, you not only need to be friendly in the presence of customers, but also you need to appear capable, because you are the first contact for the tourist. Therefore, you need to be able to help them with their problems, advise and inform them.  So, the front office area captures an important part of tasks. But also, the back office is a remit for a clerk for office management. Another focus is the office and administrative work using information and communication systems.

Furthermore, a clerk for office management assumes the determination and calculation of the prizes, the booking process, and the control of payment transactions. Alongside the other tasks, a clerk assumes original commercial scope of duties. This includes advertising, PR and public relations work and the use of marketing instruments. Other commercial tasks include collecting information and coordinating with external partners for example suppliers, press, other tourist facilities.

The focus of the work is on reception, office, and administrative tasks. A friendly demeanour and the safe use of modern communication systems are essential for the tasks in the reception, which are taught during their training.

Other tasks can be the care and animation of the guests, as well as light activities outdoor on the campsite. 

Commercial qualifications are imparted during the training. Therefore, commercial interest is recommended. In addition to commercial and technical qualifications, service orientation is an important pillar of training. Therefore, clerks for tourism and leisure need to think and act in a service-oriented and customer-oriented manner, which is why skills and knowledge in the areas of guest care and communication are important. This emphasizes the service concept as an important building block for the success of a company and ultimately a tourism area. As a clerk for office management, you need to be able to work in a team, work independently, act responsibly, be proactive and creative and have a friendly and communicative charisma. The training is carried out in a training association with a tourism partner company with financial support from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Social Fund.

You should at least have a technical college entrance qualification. You should also be at least 18 years old and in possession of a driver's license. The vocational school location is in Olpe.

Send your application to become a clerk four tourism and leisure as soon as possible.

With financial support from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Social Fund.